Escalating Violence in Northwest Syria: Major Rebel Offensives and Military Responses
Syria is experiencing a significant resurgence of violence as rebel groups launch a series of major offensives against government forces in the northwest, particularly around Aleppo. These offensives, which have reportedly led to the near-total encirclement of key strategic roads, have resulted in the deaths of around 200 people, including civilians. In response, Syrian and Russian military forces have intensified their bombing campaigns against rebel-held areas. The ongoing clashes have not only resulted in the rebels claiming territorial gains for the first time in years but have also alarmed regional powers. As the conflict reignites, questions arise about the implications for the stalled civil war and the strategies employed by rebel factions against the Assad regime and its allies., Fox News, CNN, The Associated Press, The New York Times, The Guardian, Al Jazeera English, Reuters, The Wall Street Journal, Middle East Eye