
News in English (USA) / 20.02.2025 / 20:00

Emergency Declared in New York Prisons Amid Ongoing Correction Officer Strikes

New York State is facing a humanitarian crisis as illegal strikes by correction officers disrupt operations across state prisons, prompting Governor Hochul to declare a disaster emergency. The situation escalated with violent riots reported at several facilities, leading to the deployment of the National Guard to maintain order and security. Visits to all 42 state prisons have been canceled as unrest spreads and demands from striking officers grow louder. Governor Hochul has invoked a restraining order to force officers back to work, while tensions between the state and union representatives continue to rise. Despite court mandates, the strikes persist into a fourth day, with emergency response teams stepping in to handle riots and inmate uprisings at locations such as Riverview and Malone prisons. The state is now attempting to entice strikers back with changes to the HALT Act, but support for the striking officers remains strong.
The Associated Press, - News 4, New York Post ,, WPTZ, Times Union , North Country Public Radio, Evening Observer, Democrat & Chronicle, 13WHAM-TV