
News in English (USA) / 24.02.2025 / 19:00

Nationwide Recall of Frozen Shakes After Listeria Outbreak Linked to 11 Deaths

A significant listeria outbreak has led to the recall of frozen supplemental shakes sold to nursing homes and healthcare facilities across the United States. The outbreak is associated with at least 11 deaths and numerous hospitalizations across 21 states, including Michigan, Alabama, and North Carolina. The FDA has reported that these contaminated shakes have resulted in serious health risks, prompting manufacturers like Lyons Magnus and Sysco to halt sales and initiate a recall. The recalled products may have been manufactured by a third party, raising concerns about food safety in healthcare institutions. Health authorities are urging anyone in possession of these products to discard them immediately.
CBS News, PR Newswire, Fox Business, WKRG News 5, The New York Times, KKTV,, KATU, Detroit Free Press,