
News in English (USA) / 04.11.2024 / 06:00

Resumption of Polio Vaccination Campaign Amid Ongoing Conflict in Gaza

Thousands of children in Gaza have received their second dose of the polio vaccine as vaccination efforts resume despite the ongoing conflict and recent attacks in the region. The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF have reported a series of strikes hitting vaccination centers and health facilities during this critical immunization drive. While the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have denied claims of targeting these clinics, reports indicate that multiple children have been wounded in recent strikes. UNICEF has expressed serious concern over the deteriorating humanitarian situation, warning of a potential collapse of the health system. The vaccination campaign has faced significant delays due to the violence, but agencies are working to ensure that immunizations continue to protect children from polio amidst the challenges.
The New York Times, UNICEF, The Guardian,, Reuters, Al Jazeera English, The Times of Israel, UN News, The Jerusalem Post, KOB 4