
News in English (USA) / 22.02.2025 / 04:00

Rising Bird Flu Crisis Impacts Egg Prices and Safety Concerns

Farmers across the country are declaring a bird flu crisis as egg prices soar to alarming levels, raising concerns about the availability and safety of eggs. Recent reports indicate that avian influenza is not only killing wild birds but also affecting domesticated poultry, leading to significant production losses for farmers. Experts provide guidance on safe egg consumption, stating that cooking poultry meat to temperatures above 70°C ensures safety. The CDC has updated its recommendations to include protective measures for workers in the poultry industry. Amidst fears of a potential pandemic, vaccination for chickens is suggested as a possible solution to stabilize the egg supply and control the outbreak. Farmers in various states are implementing enhanced biosecurity measures to combat this ongoing threat, while backyard chicken owners are advised on best practices to protect their flocks., The New York Times, Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Fox News, WCSH-WLBZ, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, National Geographic, Scientific American, The Globe and Mail, WSBT-TV