
About the project

Welcome to our platform, where we provide concise and accessible news summaries in multiple languages. Our goal is to offer quick overviews of trending topics by distilling headlines sourced from Google News.

How it works

We rely on the aggregation of headlines and topics provided by Google News. Using AI, we craft brief summaries based solely on the headlines of grouped news articles. Every summary is presented alongside a list of the media outlets that contributed to the original content.

No direct quotations

Our platform does not feature direct quotations from any of the news articles. Instead, our AI analyzes the titles of articles to produce the summaries you see. We strive for brevity and clarity, but these summaries are based on limited information—only the titles of the articles themselves.

Source transparency

Each summary includes a list of the sources from which the headlines were collected. These sources can vary in quality, perspective, and political background, which may influence the tone or focus of the news. We encourage our users to be mindful of this variability when interpreting the information.

Accuracy disclaimer

As our summaries are based solely on article titles and are generated by AI, the information presented may not always reflect the full accuracy or complexity of the original news reports. The summaries should not be considered comprehensive or authoritative. They may inadvertently reflect the biases present in the original sources.

We are committed to providing diverse perspectives, but we encourage you to explore the full articles or additional sources for a more complete understanding of any news story.

User disclaimer

By using this website, you agree that you will not make decisions based on the content provided. The developers are not responsible for any consequences that arise from the use of the information on this site.

Contact information

If you want to contact us, please send an email to